Add your voice to demand urgent action to protect and restore nature.

CRITICAL: Our Australian wildlife needs urgent protection.

Our precious Australian wildlife including the iconic koala, platypus, and greater glider have nowhere to go and are at risk of extinction or ongoing declines unless we take urgent action NOW. This year, leaders from around the world will be coming together to agree to a new set of goals for nature for the next 10 years. We have a critical opportunity to put Australian wildlife on the agenda at COP15 when leaders meet in Montreal in December 2022. With your help, we’re calling on leaders around the world to commit to ambitious goals so we can reverse nature loss by 2030. Ensure your voice is counted and heard on the world stage by adding your name today.

CRITICAL: Our Australian wildlife needs urgent protection.

Our precious Australian wildlife including the iconic koala, platypus, and greater glider have nowhere to go and are at risk of extinction or ongoing declines unless we take urgent action NOW. This year, leaders from around the world will be coming together to agree to a new set of goals for nature for the next 10 years. We have a critical opportunity to put Australian wildlife on the agenda at COP15 when leaders meet in Montreal in December 2022. With your help, we’re calling on leaders around the world to commit to ambitious goals so we can reverse nature loss by 2030. Ensure your voice is counted and heard on the world stage by adding your name today.

We want world leaders and Australia to make strong commitments including:

  • Protecting 30% of Australia’s and the world’s land and 30% of Australia’s and the world’s oceans by 2030.
  • Increasing investment in Indigenous Protected Areas.
  • Zero human-induced wildlife extinctions from now on.

By 2030, we can achieve so much for our extraordinary Aussie nature and biodiversity around the world- but only if world leaders make the commitments right now. Australian nature needs your voice. Add your voice and call for action to safeguard nature and set it on the path to recovery by 2030.

Find out more information about what we want to achieve.

Regenerate Australia campaign image

Regenerate Australia

It’s not too late for us to secure a brighter future for Australia’s nature. Together, we can work to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, but we need strong and ambitious leadership. Regenerate Australia is WWF-Australia’s vision and program of action to ensure our environment, people and wildlife thrive for generations to come.