98,228 is the estimated number of sharks, dolphins, turtles, dugongs and sawfish caught by commercial gill nets on the Great Barrier Reef each year.

Shop the Reefcycle sunnies made from commercial gill net, to help protect these marine species whose future depends on a Net-Free North.  


The ocean just got a lot safer - and your face is about to get a lot cooler - thanks to ReefCycle sunglasses. ReefCycle sunnies started life as a deadly commercial gill net on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Thanks to WWF-Australia and our awesome supporters, we bought the net and pulled it from the water forever, saving the lives of countless marine creatures. Now VisionDirect and WWF-Australia have upcycled 100% of the gill net, turning it into these super sustainable sunglasses. Introducing ReefCycle! Polarised and non-polarised options available. The more ReefCycle sunnies we sell, the more ocean plastic we can upcycle, and the more marine life we can save.

ReefCycle production process
© WWF-Australia
ReefCycle sunglasses made from gill net
ReefCycle sunglasses made from gill net © WWF-Australia

Sustainable sunglasses made from a gill net

By upcycling materials that were once lethal to marine life into something that is sustainable and useful, ReefCycle is unlocking a circular economy in eyewear.

50% of proceeds from ReefCycle will support WWF conservation work like advocacy for a Net-Free North.

Marine life we’ve helped protect

Every pair of sunglasses purchased will be embossed with a marine animal whose future depends on a Net-Free North. Dugong ~ Turtle ~ Dolphin ~ Hammerhead ~ Sawfish

Lens Options

Non Prescription

Our ReefCycle frames come with non-polarised lenses for $89, or polarised lenses for $139.


Your prescription can be added to the lenses with a wider choice of lenses colours and coatings.

Check out our FAQ page

Reefcycle non prescription sunnies options
© WWF-Australia
Reefcycle prescription sunnies options
Reefcycle prescription sunnies options © WWF-Australia
Commercial gill net up close
© WWF-Australia

More about #NetFreeNorth

Commercial gill nets on the Great Barrier Reef can stretch up to 1,200 metres in length - that’s the same length as 24 Olympic swimming pools. These deadly nets hang like lethal curtains across the ocean, where vulnerable marine wildlife can get entangled and drown within minutes.

Last year, WWF-Australia supporters helped remove the last full-time commercial gill net from the northern Great Barrier Reef, but there are still 240 active gill net licences held along Queensland's east coast that can move in and start fishing. It is urgent we protect and secure this precious area. That’s why we’re campaigning for a Net-Free North.

Gill nets aren’t the only threat facing our marine life. Out at sea, plastic can be deadly. Marine animals can mistake plastic for food and choke or starve to death, while others can become entangled in plastic debris.

WWF and Arise Collective Dark lockup

WWF x Arise Collective