Australia should be a leader in protecting and restoring trees, but currently, we’re the only developed nation on the list of global deforestation fronts. We all need trees to survive, so it’s imperative that we take action now to save our forests.

The race is on! The first Trees Scorecard presents an overview of how our state, territories and federal governments are performing in tree protection and restoration. It highlights where our governments are standing tall and where more action needs to be taken.

The scorecard shows New South Wales and Queensland sit at the bottom of the leaderboard, with South Australia placing first. With one tree bulldozed in Australia every second, there are plenty of opportunities for our country to do better to save trees.

Add your voice today to save our trees and our future.

Trees Scorecard 2023
Trees Scorecard 2023 © WWF-Australia

Key Findings

  • Standing tall in first place on the leaderboard is South Australia (SA), with no native forest logging, strong commitments, and a range of conservation programs.
  • Landing next was the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Victoria (Vic.) and Western Australia (WA). These three jurisdictions all received an ’Average’ score, showing that while we all have work to do, there has also been progress.
  • The recent announcement of an end to native forest logging in Victoria has provided a welcome boost to Victoria’s score.
  • The Australian Federal Government (Federal Government), Northern Territory (NT) and Tasmania all placed midway with ’Poor’, but for different reasons.
  • New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland (Qld) sit at the bottom of the leaderboard, both scoring ‘Very Poor’ with opportunities for both states to increase their rank with the right type of commitment and action.

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